Grace Transformed Sexuality Men’s Study

Many Christian men are losing battles with lust and pornography because their only strategy when they fail is to beat themselves up more and try harder. Meanwhile, their continued surrender to lust drives them further away from the spiritual resources they need to win this battle. A grace-centered approach is the bridge that connects them to the strength that is theirs by abiding in Christ, by better understanding their heart, and by connecting to a brother who is a fellow struggler. This 9-week Bible Study for men and young men explains how grace actually transforms a man's heart and his battle for sexual purity, giving very practical insight about defeating lust. The discussion questions do not put anyone on the spot to confess their own struggles but preserve a safe environment where men can gain strength from realizing they are not alone in their battle.

"Gary, this is the best thing I've ever read on this subject" Derrick Harris, Youth Pastor, McLean Pres.

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